June, of Juneberry Cottage, offers personal assistance calling on her extensive knowledge of quilting. She remembers clients' interests and customized support accordingly. Her shop is just the cutest!


Response from Juneberry Cottage Thank you Sarah. I always enjoy hearing and seeing what you are making.
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Q Series Long Arm Training and Set upTo be able to sell a Bernina Long Arm, a dealer needs to be certified. That means going off to training in Aurora IL at the Bernina Crea...
REFRESH RETREAT 2023!Planning a retreat is a daunting proposition, but I have wanted to do this since I opened. Not just a sew day for quilters, but somethin...
Juneberry Cottage Winter 2023 Mystery Solved!Starting the last Thursday in December and running for ten weeks, clues were given out for a mystery quilt. It was fun to share and see ...
Loving the b77. Can't believe the features on this machine.Ok. I am so geek-ed about the sale on the bernette 77! I used it today to sew a binding on a table runner. Thoroughly impressed with the...